2016 Summer Learning Challenge - Free Opportunities for All Students
Montgomery, Ala. - To succeed in school and life, children and young adults need ongoing opportunities to learn and practice essential skills. This is especially true during the summer months. Unfortunately, some youth face having limited or no access to summer educational opportunities1.
For Alabama’s students, those months away from school can result in a loss of knowledge and reading ability. The Summer Learning Challenge raises awareness of the summer loss epidemic, shares compelling research on the importance of personalized reading activities and provides access to a variety of free resources to support targeted reading and math summer learning.
There are FREE ways to keep students engaged and excited about education:
· The Lexile-based “Find a Book, Alabama” tool (Lexile.com/fab/Alabama) offers students over 160,000 books from which to choose. This book-search tool enables individuals to build custom reading lists based on their Lexile range and personal interests, and checks the availability of books at the local library. The search tool includes a growing collection of English literary and informational books.
· Children, parents and educators can also pledge to read using the “Find a Book, Alabama” tool starting May 1st. All students should be encouraged to pledge to read.
· The Alabama Summer Learning Challenge also includes a FREE email-based math skills program for children who have just completed 1st through 7th grades. Parents and other summer care-givers can begin registering for the program today.
Starting Monday, June 20, parents will begin receiving daily emails with fun activities and resources to help their children retain math skills acquired during the previous school year. After the program ends on Friday, July 29, parents can print an award certificate to celebrate their child's summer accomplishment!
· This summer, Stride is FREE to all students in the state from May 1 to July 29. Prevent “Summer Slide” with a cool blend of online math, reading and science skills practice, spectacular video games and peer competitions to pass the lazy summer days. Students may access the Stride learning platform online anytime, 24-7, on tablets, PCs and Macs.
LTS Education Systems offers the Stridegame-based learning program used in many Alabama school districts during and after school hours for fun and personalized learning.
Register and log in atwww.AlabamaSummerStride.com. LTS will provide a dedicated Parent Support Line for the Summer Learning Challenge. Parents can call in to 1-844-855-4023 for help with Stride.
Resources and Materials
“Find a Book Alabama” is offered in partnership with the ALSDE and MetaMetrics, Inc. Choose your reader’s comfort with grade-level material or reading ability for a full list of books to read all summer! In English and Spanish.http://www.lexile.com/fab/ alabama.
All Alabama Public Librarieshttp://www.publiclibraries. com/alabama.htm. Visit your public library for book lists and summer reading programs for kids of all ages.
How to Beat Summer Learning Loss –Article