Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Rocks and Water

Our Rocks and Water test will be on Friday, the 14th. Study your notebook notes: Rock Cycle Vocabulary, "The Rock Cycle", Earth's Interior, Rock Cycle Diagram, Water Cycle Student Notes, The Water Cycle graphic organizer, Fossil (definition and drawing), and Fossils Study Guide. Also, here are some websites to get into:
the rock cycle (,
earth's layers ,
the water cycle (,
and fossils ( Have fun!

Monday, December 10, 2018


Fossils show that the earth is always changing. Here is your link for a virtual dino dig:
Tell me your idea about how fossils show that the earth is always changing. Click on Comments and blow me away with your genius! Don't forget to sign your name.

The Water Cycle

Today, we learn about the Water Cycle! Water is a big reason that the earth changed in the past, is changing right now, and will change in the future.
Go to this site to learn more: I will give you about 10 minutes to explore.
In the comments, tell me how you think water has changed our earth. Be sure to sign your name.