Monday, November 11, 2019

The Water Cycle

1. Play an online water cycle word search game. Race to see who can get all the words in the fastest time! Click on this link when Mrs. Humber says "GO!" 

2. See a great explanation of the water cycle at 

3. Play an online water cycle game at 

Monday, May 13, 2019

Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy

1. Learn about energy at "Climate Kids: Energy" at
2. Make an argument for using renewable or nonrenewable energy. Make a poster sharing your viewpoint. Use these sites to gather information:
"Energy from the Oceans" at

"The Environment: Renewable Energy" at

Monday, March 18, 2019

The Great Outdoors!

You will write a persuasive essay about the benefits (good things) of the great outdoors. 
1. First, though, you need to get some ideas to write about. Go to these sites to get some good ideas about being in the great outdoors: 

2. Now, use the Write to Persuade! plan sheet to write down your ideas. Read the instructions carefully, and write a lot!

3. On a lined sheet of paper, write your essay. Write your title and your name at the top. You can use up to two sheets of paper.

4. Illustrate your essay on the "All Kids Outdoors Contest" sheet. 

I will send any essays to the contest that I believe might be winning essays. Happy writing!

Monday, February 18, 2019

Tuesday, February 12, 2019